Adult Sunday Studies

There are a variety of adult Sunday Study classes to meet the needs and interests of our members. 

The Sunday Study time is from 10:00-10:45 am.

Upper Room Group

The Upper Room Group meets for a time of fellowship, reflection, and discussion each week in the Young Family Room.

Currently, the group is studying the Gospel of Luke. 

The group is led by David Kirkland and Marty Mathis.

Covenant Class

Is a multi-generational class, led by Mr. Henry Klar. Using the Present Word curriculum, this discussion oriented class discusses Scripture and its implications to present-day life.

Friendship Class

The Friendship Class discusses the connections of faith and daily life, by using wide-open discussions that connect Scripture to our faith, and faith to our daily lives. 

Currently, they are discussing the Gospel of Matthew

The class is led by Gary Lodge and Click Peters, and meets in the Library.

Genesis Class

This multi-generational group uses the Present Word curriculum to talk about God, the world, and ourselves, in light of the biblical story. 

The Genesis class meets in the Parlor and is led by Nancy Coleman, Mike Haney, Brooks Sheldon, and Terry Turner.