Welcome to First Presbyterian Church of Moultrie

We are a congregation of Christians of all ages actively engaged in our faith through worship, service, discipleship and study. 

The mission of the First Presbyterian Church of Moultrie, Georgia is to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and to serve Christ by loving all.  We strive to help others experience the love and joy of Jesus Christ through faithful worship, study of His inspired Word, fellowship and giving away to the world what God has so graciously and undeservedly given to us.

Come join us as we seek to share the love of God throughout Colquitt County and the world.

Congregational Meeting

Due to the storm last week, our Sunday worship service was lightly attended as was the Congregational Meeting that the Session had called for the close of worship.  We handled one item of business to transfer some property to the Hero House.  Our other item of business was to proceed with the election of elders for the Class of 2027 and members of the nominating committee for 2025.  In addition to the four people for nomination from the Nominating Committee - Elaine Barber, Laura Perry Johnson, Marshall McCranie, and Brooks Sheldon - two other people were nominated from the floor - Patty June and Lisa Zeanah.  Even though a quorum was present, some felt the light attendance and two additional nominees from the floor warranted postponing this vote.  A motion was approved to suspend the meeting and reschedule.

The meeting will resume following worship on October 13th.

What's happening at the church?



Tuesday, October 1 at 9:30 a.m. COFFEE TALKS at Baba’s

Wednesday, October 2—We will be providing food to Pathway Soup Kitchen

Wednesday, October 2 at 4 p.m. PRAYER SHAWL

Wednesday, October 2 at 5:30 p.m. WATCH SUPPER

Thursday, October 3 at 11 a.m. CORNERSTONES LUNCH ON THE ROAD

Sunday, October 6 at 8:30 a.m. MEN’S BREAKFAST at First Methodist

Sunday, October 6 at 2 p.m. RISE AGAINST HUNGER—food-packing event

Monday, October 7 at 10 a.m. PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN BOARD MEETING (parlor)

Tuesday, October 8 at 10 a.m. PW MORNING CIRCLE (parlor)

Wednesday, October 9 at 4 p.m. SPIRITUAL GROWTH COMMITTEE

Wednesday, October 9 at 5:30 p.m. WATCH SUPPER

Thursday, October 10 at 5:30 p.m. PRESHOOL FALL FESTIVAL

Sunday, October 13 after worship CONGREGATIONAL MEETING

Monday, October 14 at 10 a.m. CHRISTIAN SERVICE

Monday, October 14 at 12:30 p.m. CORNERSTONES MEETING

Monday, October 14 at 7 p.m. PW EVENING CIRCLE (Dottie Ward’s house)

Tuesday, October 15 at 5:30 p.m. SESSION

Tuesday-Thursday, October 15-17 SUNBELT AG EXPO – NO WATCH, office closed Oct. 17 & 18

Thursday – Monday, October 17-21 Preschool FALL BREAK

Thursday, October 24 at 11 a.m. CORNERSTONES LUNCH ON THE ROAD

Sunday, October 27   REFORMATION SUNDAY  & LUNCH after worship

Monday-Wednesday, October 28-30  CORNERSTONES -EPWORTH RETREAT

Wednesday, October 30 at 5:30 p.m. FPC & FMC FALL FESTIVAL







Mark Your Calendars

Wednesday, December 4   REMEMBRANCE SERVICE

Sunday, December 8   ADVENT FESTIVAL

Wednesday, December 11 CHRISTMAS WATCH SUPPER

Sunday, December 15   CHRISTMAS CANTATA



Looking for the Sunday morning worship service?

Click here

Worship services are live streamed on Facebook each Sunday morning at 11:00am.

Services from previous weeks are archived on the same site.

Both can be viewed by clicking on the link above.

Aerial footage of the campus of Moultrie First Presbyterian Church